Now, move the bottom layer around under the top layer until it sits where you want it. (You just need it to be something distinctly different enough from the top color so you can see what you’re doing in the next step. Move the one on the top, and recolor the one on the bottom any color you like. Now you’ll have two copies of the exact same thing, one stacked on top of the other. We’re going to be taxing Inkscape a little bit, so we want to do that with as few objects as possible. This will recombine the individual letters into one object. Now, select all of your letters and go to Path > Union. I feel like my A is a little bit too far from my O, so I’ve selected the A individually and nudged it to the left using my left arrow key. If there are any spacing adjustments you want to do, now’s the time. (Doing Object to Path automatically groups everything together.) Ungroup by using Object > Ungroup. Next up, you’ll want to ungroup the letters. The first step is using Path > Object to Path. When you get the text the size you want, then it’s time to transform it from editable text into a vector object. (I also like WHOA because it has straight lines, angled lines, and curved lines. So hopefully, that should cover almost all of you.īecause this is areally cool technique, I’ve chosen the word WHOA. But why limit yourself to the few 3-D fonts out there, when you can create your own 3-D effect with any font?Īs is my habit lately, I’ll be doing this tutorial in good ol’ Inkscape, primarily because it’s free, and there are versions for Mac, PC, and Linux. I’ve seen a few requests lately for a 3-D font.